Happy to Help
mpsint@mpsinternational.in 0141-2621544/45


Working with children with special needs requires dedication, patience, and a commitment to inclusivity. We at MPS International, utilize effective communication strategies for embracing the diversity within classroom regardless of their abilities or challenges with the help of our special educator, Ms. Santosh Kumari.

Children with special needs require unique support and understanding to thrive in their learning environments. As educators it is our responsibility to ensure that every child, regardless of their abilities or challenges, receives the care, attention, and opportunities they deserve.

For this, our special educator understands about Special Needs. It includes wide range of conditions, including but not limited to autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), sensory processing disorder (SPD), intellectual disabilities, and learning disabilities (SLD). Each child's needs are unique, and it is essential to approach their individual challenges with empathy and respect.

In MPS International we keep these things in mind and create a healthy and environment for the CWSN and follow the following diligently:

Foster Acceptance and Empathy

Our Special Educator promotes a culture of acceptance and empathy among all students, teaching them to respect and appreciate individual differences. Encourage open discussions and address any misconceptions or biases.

Physical Environment

We make necessary adaptations to the physical environment to ensure accessibility for children with mobility impairments or sensory sensitivities. This includes providing ramps, wheelchair-friendly spaces, sensory-friendly areas, and visual aids.

Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)

We collaborate with parents, guardians, and other professionals to develop and implement IEPs tailored to each child's specific needs. IEPs outline goals, accommodations, modifications, and support services to facilitate optimal learning.

We also try to have effective communication

Clear and Concise Instructions:  By using simple and direct language when giving instructions, our special educator ensures that her children understand the tasks and expectations. Break down complex concepts into smaller, manageable steps.

Visual Supports: We incorporate visual aids such as charts, pictures, and schedules to enhance understanding and facilitate communication. Visual supports help children with special needs to follow routines, transitions, and instructions.

We also believe in Collaboration and Professional Development

Collaboration with Specialists: In Mps International, We focus on collaboration and communication with specialists, such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, and behavior analysts. Their expertise enhances the effectiveness of interventions and support strategies.

Ongoing Professional Development: To stay updated with the latest research, strategies, and best practices in special education, we make sure that our special educator attends workshops, conferences, and webinars to expand her knowledge and skills in working with children with special needs